Home » Code of Conduct

At FastTrack, we are dedicated to fostering a community where all participants feel valued, respected, and included. To ensure a positive and harassment-free experience for everyone, we have established this Code of Conduct that applies to all interactions within the FastTrack project, whether online or during in-person events associated with our community.

Our Pledge

As moderators of FastTrack, we pledge to create an open and welcoming environment, free from harassment, regardless of individual differences. We commit to promoting a diverse and inclusive space where everyone, irrespective of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation, can participate without fear of discrimination.

Our Standards

To contribute to a positive environment, we encourage behaviors such as:

  1. Using welcoming and inclusive language.
  2. Respecting differing viewpoints and experiences.
  3. Referring to individuals by their preferred pronouns and using gender-neutral pronouns when uncertain.
  4. Accepting constructive criticism gracefully.
  5. Focusing on actions that benefit the community.
  6. Demonstrating empathy towards fellow community members.

Unacceptable Behavior

Participants must refrain from engaging in the following behaviors:

  1. Use of sexualized language, imagery, or unwelcome sexual attention or advances.
  2. Trolling, making insulting or derogatory comments, and engaging in personal or political attacks.
  3. Public or private harassment.
  4. Publishing others’ private information without explicit permission.
  5. Any conduct deemed inappropriate in a professional setting.

We commit to prioritizing the safety of marginalized individuals over the comfort of privileged individuals. We will not address complaints related to ‘reverse’ -isms, communication boundaries, refusal to explain or debate social justice concepts, or criticisms of oppressive behavior or assumptions.


Violations of the Code of Conduct can be reported through the abuse report form or by emailing [email protected]. Reports will be thoroughly reviewed and investigated, and appropriate responses will be implemented based on the circumstances. Specific enforcement policies may be detailed separately.

Moderators reserve the right to remove comments or contributions misaligned with this Code of Conduct. They may also temporarily or permanently suspend members engaging in inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful behavior. Our commitment is to maintain a space where diversity, inclusivity, and mutual respect thrive.